There are not many assets that you can have with an online business, especially if you are new. For all intents and purposes on theis journey I am new even though I’ve been online since 1998.

The 2 most valuable assets you can have are your website (domain) and your email list.

As you progress you may produce and own your own digital products but for most of us that can beĀ  a lot of work and very costly.

Email lists need to be built and can take time to grow, but owning a domain and linking it to a website is fast, inexpensive and pretty simple even for me.

There are many advantages from owning a domain and I lise a few below…

  1. It provides you with a unique identity.
  2. It provides others with easy access to information that you provide.
  3. It works 24/7 and is available a;ll over the world.
  4. It helps visitors to easily find information about you, your business and services.
  5. It is easy to find and can help to provide a professional appearance
  6. It allows you to have your own, personalised email address; and that may be essential to be accepted in some affiliate networks.
  7. Your own email can assist in delivery options as almost 95% of all emails are free addresses such as gmail, yahoo etc.
  8. Once your domain is attracting traffic it can be sold and some very high prices are paid for domains. You can see this at sites like

I actually had this domain ( already or I would have chosen something more appropriate and ideally with a dot com extension although I think that today that is not as important as in the past.

It helps if you choose something that does not look spammy but is representative of the niche that you are going to work in. You can of course have multiple domains for different niches as an example you may have a domain for a weghtloss niche and for a relationship niche and so on.

I have also bought another domain, to attach to a product I will be revealing soon, along with a special free offer to show my appreciation for people visiting this blog.

I also think I have probably made a basic error of getting involved in several syatems at the same time and this I hope you avoid doing. It is always best to pick one thing and follow it through until you have completed any training and know it well before taking up other options.

Take a look at various domains here at NameCheapĀ  and play with their domain finder noting down a few available options and tomorrow I will go through the selection process in more detail.

It takes time to get set up but it is important to lay strong foundations and build on solid rock rather than sand.

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