All I am doing in this journey is what I am told to do by my mentor, simple as that!

I paid him to give me step by step instruction and he is doing just that.

He told me to join certain CPA and Affiliate sites and I have done (and he helped me to get approved for them which is not always easy).

However, most of the offers I see are for US only, or maybe other countries but not the UK and so I can’t even view the websites.

I did find one that is allowed in the UK and the website is impressive, but to be honest I havn’t the time to join anything else at present. – I’m already struggling to find time for my existing duties and set aside upto 2 hours a day learning and taking action.

The last training I did was to pick an offer ready to email, but I don’t yet have a list created by the training I am following.

So, I am going to post an offer here and ask you to comment and give your thoughts on it, just so I can see how people react. You can buy it or not as you choose, I don’t recommend or suggest it because I have not personally tried it but it does look really good.

You can see for yourself here.  

It’s called Viral Cash App and if the page does not display then it is not available in your country. sorry!

That’s it for today.

Tomorrow I’m going to get into how to select a domain name and why having one is important, so I hoep to see yoy then.

    1 Response to "Day 6 – I am following instructions"

    • Steve Briant

      Good morning Frammie,
      The site loaded okay for me (UK)
      Good to see all is going well.

      Steve (SteveB)

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