My first objective with this blog is to show you exactly how I proceed as a “newbie” in affiliate marketing.

I know that if I do a good job and I’m honest with you that you will sometimes buy things that I use and recommend.

As an affiliate I will make a commission from the service or product provider, and you will get the item you desire at the market price (no more no less).

However, if I have something to share that is of value and I don’t have an affiliate link for some reason that is no reason for me not to share it with you.

This is the case with the people I use for domain registration. I have used them for many years and definitely prefer them to Godaddy (for whom I do have an affiliate link). The company I use is NameCheap and for reasons best know to them selves they turned down my affiliate application.

Hopwever, I do think they are the best service for the following reasons…

  • Support – this is second to none, fast and helpful. If like me you are non-technical you will love this about them. They will walk you through anything you need to do.
  • Clear and simple dashboard – you can see all your domains and the details about them quickly and easily.
  • Price – I have not found any service that consistently beats NameCheap on price. There may be offers to hook you but over time I believe you will save money with Namecheap

and so I am providing you with a link to their website even though it’s not an affilaite link. Click here to find and register your domain.

If at some future time they approve me as an affiliate I will change the link to my affiliate vlink and make it known to you; either way it will not affect you and I recommend them regardless.

Blessings to all!

    2 replies to "Day 5 – I’m here to make money but first to help you."

    • Argha

      Nice one Mr. Frame. I am curious to know if you have ever came across a program named ‘Wealthy Affiliate’. I am a free member of that program. If you’re familiar with that platform, make a blog post abt them. If you’re not I will like to have a you a look. Let me know, how it goes with you…

      • frammie

        Yes I know the program and long ago I jpined it. I don’t think I can remember enough about it to comment in any meaningful way, but it obviously did not really get my attention or I would still be using it. That does not mean it’s not a good program, simply that for me it was not a good fit, but in honesty I can’t rememeber why.

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