Today has been a frustrating day as I wanted to provide affiliate links for 2 basic services that everyone needs (It has taken me almost a day to get affiliate approval for just one of these, hopefully I will have the other by tomorrow)…

  1. A domian name – I’ll go into how and why tomorrow.
  2. An autoresponder – because every successful onlin marketer has a LIST and your autoresponder is where you will build your list, store your list and communicate with your list. Communication should be a 2 way thing and in time you will build a relationship of trust with the subscribers on your list. That’s when the well known phrase, “THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST.” starts to become a reality.

First let me say that any affiliate links I offer do not mean that you will pay any more or any less than if you go directly to make a purchase without using my affiliate link. It simply means that the seller will not have to pay an affiliate commission which otherwise would have been paid to me.

Next let me say that I will never promote a link purely to make money and without regard for what is offered. In almost all cases the links will be for something I personally use and find whatever it is of great value.

I know that many people following these posts will already have an autoresponder account; in fact I have several but have just added aWeber for the following reasons…

  • They are well known and offer good deliverability.
  • Almost all training and systems you will come accross will integrate easily with aWeber
  • From February 1st. 2024, Google and Yahoo will be blocking marketing emails and this will affect almost all online marketers. I expect there to be ways to get mail delivered which will become clear as we get closer to that date, but I am pretty sure that aWeber will be on top of things and find ways to help their clients.
  • Pricing with them is in line with and even a little better than most highly ranked systems – they even have a totally FREE option!
  • Even as a new user, you can elect to opt for single opt in to your list, which will enhance your success rate in getting subscribers.
  • The system I will be using to aid my marketing not only plug into aWeber but offer great training in setting up your aWeber account
  • If all else fails aWeber support is top notch and if, like me, anything even slightly technical is a challenge, this is a God send.

As an affiliate I can offer you a FREE aWeber account and you can use this to get started and look around to see if it fits your needs. In all probability you will need to get a paid account at some stage. This will probably be the PLUS account at $20 a month; but who knows, maybe the FREE account will serve you for a long time.

So if you want to give aWeber a try then please use my link here. ==>>Get Free aWeber Account Now

By tomorrow I hope to have a link for the place I use for my Domain purchasing and I will cover the reasons why in tomorrow’s blog post.

Thanks for your support and help in sharing this post.

God bless,

Click here for the previous post

    4 replies to "Day 2 – Affiliate Links Explained"

    • Steve Briant

      Hi Frammie,
      Aweber is agreed one of the best but I find Getresponse easier to use.

      • frammie

        I also have GR but in honesty AW has better deliverability and its just a matter of getting used to any system. The more you use it the easier it gets. I also have affiliate links for GR but find AW more universlly accepted which is why I have it listed.

    • Darla

      Thank you Graham for the blog.
      I am hard of hearing and your videos are not easy to understand.
      I have joined aWeber with your link and will upgrade when I need to.

    • Rodolfo

      Hello Graham

      I remember, you are a member funder of OnPassive/OFounder
      I think, You can use it for “I expect there to be ways to get mail delivered which will become clear as we get closer to that date”

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