This is my first post as I start to learn Affiliate Marketing.

If you know me already, then you know that I have been making money online, with varying degrees of success, since 1998.

However, although I have dipped into various affiliate marketing endeavours they have been few and far between and nothing serious for over 10 years.

So I consider myself to be starting from scratch with nothing more than a good work ethic.

With that said, I have limited time to devote to this new and exciting project because I volunteer as an unpaid admin of a non-profit community which takes me 12 to 14 hours daily and sometimes more.

I am therefore, determined to spend 2 hours a day, learning and applying my new skills with an initial goal of breaking even on my expenses and training which I calculate as running at about $600 a month.

Medium to long term, I want to generate a growing and recurring income to assist the cash flow of the community that I help administer along with several other unpaid volunteers.

I choose affiliate marketing because although there are many options to make passive income online I have found that none are dependable. Even the honest plans, and they are few and far between eventually disappear and are surrounded by Ponzies and scams that disappear with many peoples’ hard earned money.

Affiliate marketing rewards you for your efforts and so is not dependent on 3rd party income streams that come and go so fast, leaving you straneded. In short by learning affiliate marketing you can be self reliant and with all the tools now available I truly believe that my 2 hours a day will be sufficient to achieve my goals.

Only time will tell.

I hope you follow my journey and maybe find the path for your own success and be able to avoid any mistakes that I will inevitably make.

God bless,
p.s. One thing I intend to learn quickly is how to make more attrctive pages than this one.


    11 replies to "Day 1 – A New Journey"

    • Guillermo Sabino Rodriguez

      Saludos frammie:
      Las.perdonas honestas se reconocen desde.los.5000 metros de altura,creo en UD.Y todo lo.que ha dicho es cierto,yo hace un más más o menos estoy intentando aprender también marketing porque el camino está rodeado de desonestos mirándolos desde los 5000 metros pero como deshonestos.
      Solo quisiera sumarle un trabajo para alguien de su equipo,no UD que creo que está cargado de trabajo.
      Los vídeos que publica todos son en inglés y para los que hablamos español,mi caso, estoy muy mal y como yo imagino muchos.
      UD es un guía y me.gusta seguirlo pero en inglés no puedo
      Gracias por todo
      Y suerte en sus deciciones

      • frammie

        Translation: Honest forgiveness is recognized from 5000 meters above sea level, I believe in you. And everything you said is true, I have been trying to learn marketing for a while now because the path is surrounded by dishonest people looking at them from the 5000 meters but as dishonest.
        I would just like to add a job for someone on your team, not you, who I think is loaded with work.
        The videos he publishes are all in English and for those of us who speak Spanish, in my case, I am very bad and as I imagine many.
        You are a guide and I like to follow you but in English I can’t
        Thanks for everything
        And good luck in your decisions


      Go ahead frammie, we are with you .

    • Elias Mafaesa

      Thank you very much for your sharing. That’s the honest truth and I share the same sentiments. I have at least fifteen years experience online and have only find affiliate marketing the only viable business, the rest are just as you described them, and another inspiring truth that you showed and is true for all successful online champs is that they come from a grave background and have made it far above success indeed, and that gonna be your testimony too, very soon..
      Thank you very much

    • Steve Briant

      Good morning Graham,
      I totally agree with your comments on affiliate marketing, a great move.
      I’m involved with Wayne Crowe’s affiliate training program.
      He’s a fellow Brit with a passion to help others.
      His training site has just gone through an amazing upgrade, it’s worth a look.
      Good luck with it all.
      Steve Briant (SteveB)

    • Jariya

      Good luck Graham all the best wishes for your new venture. Don’t forget us we are old hands.

    • Jay Torres

      IT’LL be interesting to see what you come up with…

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    • Nigel Barksfield

      Good luck in your marketing! Thanks for everything.

    • Armando Glifonia

      Hang in there Graham, I know it’s your passion to help other affiliate marketer. Just keep up the good work, we are almost there. With the help of the lord, we will pass this storm.

    • Tonyjamani

      God’s speed Graham. We’re with you

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